Thursday, March 21, 2013

Texture Update

This is a HUGE update for me, once again... Well anyway I have almost all of my models textured and placed within Kartago. I've moved onto populating the nightclub alleyway which now has signs that I will assign neon light material to. As well just generally populate the alleyway with my created props. Few light maps on my models that I'll have to toy with (up the resolution or adjust). Soon I will be adding in actual point lights and darken the overall atmosphere lighting. Next few weeks will be big for me, wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Senior Project Major Update


Slums Next to Apartments

Here are my few screenshots of my farthest along sections of my map. This map is my final senior project environment that is a slum or underworld type of setting. There is also going to be an alley way with nightclubs and bars that I will be working on and extension of the slums on the hilltop. Textures are slowly coming together and moving ever closer to lighting this place!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Boss' Office

This is my final creation in my Advanced Environment's class, my Boss' Office. We were tasked with creating an interior environment and I wanted to create my senior project's antagonist's office (Sir). I wanted it to be very simplified and Sir's chair to be very imposing on his guests so it sits higher than the guest's chairs. The table I referenced from Iron Man that Tony Stark used when he developed his suit. UDK Game Engine was used to set up this scene. I experimented in creating a cube map to add reflections to the floor and ceiling and creating holographic/glowing materials to use for my table. I will add in small assets along the way to fully finish this, but for now I feel very happy with how the majority of this office has come out.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Modular Creation

 In my Game Art II class, we are creating a Space Station Mall and I was tasked with creating a shell for generic stores so my other classmates would be able to fill them up with their assets and props specific to their stores. I had decided to make it as modular as possible so each store could be of different shape and size instead of just one store "shell." So with just nine assets the store makers could create and populate their stores as they want to. Modular creation was more difficult that I thought, but I overall feel I was very successful with my modular creations.

Cactus Mill

Our most recent assignment in Advanced Environments was to create a building within a specific setting. The setting, decided by the class, was "future Mexico." Each of us could create any type of building and would be put into a compiled environment in UDK to make a "city." Technical difficulties arose and for now we are just presenting each of our buildings separate in a simple UDK start default level. My idea stemmed from creating a lumber yard, but thought in Mexico so I had fun with using Cacti instead of actual Lumber. With dual purpose mill that cut the cacti into planks and harvested their juices into vat tanks. So here are some screenshots of my Cactus Mill. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sci-Fi Desert City

Our next project is to create a futuristic mexican city of sorts. By the class creating modular assets and each building their own shop or building to be used around the city we will combine all of our assets into creating this city. Found these reference images to get some ideas from. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tree Stump

A simple assignment where we had to utilize the Paint Effects tool, alphas, rolling fog and creating a tree stump. Using Maya Paint Effects to create the grass, created the leaves as alpha planes and the tree stump in ZBrush. Turned out much better than I expected and feel it's a quality rendered image.