Monday, October 29, 2012

Sci-Fi Desert City

Our next project is to create a futuristic mexican city of sorts. By the class creating modular assets and each building their own shop or building to be used around the city we will combine all of our assets into creating this city. Found these reference images to get some ideas from. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tree Stump

A simple assignment where we had to utilize the Paint Effects tool, alphas, rolling fog and creating a tree stump. Using Maya Paint Effects to create the grass, created the leaves as alpha planes and the tree stump in ZBrush. Turned out much better than I expected and feel it's a quality rendered image.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I feel very satisfied with the results of my tower. The rocks were the hardest obstacle to overcome, especially the normals. I now know in the future how to better create modular rocks. The way I created the fog works out great for my environment. I will be working on make an animated short fly through of this and will be able to fully show off my rolling fog I made. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tower In Progress

Here is some progress pictures of my tower. It is fully modeled and will move onto creating the rock formation that it stands on in ZBrush. Then onto texturing all of this!